J/XOF: Convert Jambo (J) to West African Cfa Franc (XOF)
Jambo to West African Cfa Franc
How much is 1 Jambo worth in West African Cfa Franc?
1 J is currently worth CFA139.02
(-19.00%)Last updated: Feb 3, 2025, 17:23:26
J/XOF markets
J to XOF conversion chart
As of today, 1 J equals 139.02 XOF, down 19.00% in the last 24 hours. Over the past week, Jambo (J) is down 33.00%. J is trending downward, decreasing 8.00% in the last 30 days.
Jambo (J) to West African Cfa Franc (XOF) price statistics
24h low
CFA115.92The lowest price in 24 hours
24h high
CFA189.18The highest price in 24 hours
*The following data shows J's market information.
All-time high
Data is collected from multiple platforms
All-time low
Data is collected from multiple platforms
Market cap
Market cap = current price x circulating supply
Circulating supply
Asset's total amount on the market at this moment (based on the data from multiple platforms)
Read more: Jambo (J) price
The current price of Jambo (J) in West African Cfa Franc (XOF) is CFA139.02, with a decrease of 19.00% in the last 24 hours, and a decrease of 33.00% in the last seven days.
The highest historical price of Jambo was CFA650.69. There are currently 130,000,000 J in circulation, with a maximum supply of 1,000,000,000 J, which puts the fully diluted market capitalization at approximately CFA18,072,119,117.
The Jambo price in XOF is updated in real time. You can also see conversions from West African Cfa Franc to other popular cryptocurrencies, making it easy to exchange Jambo (J) and other digital currencies for West African Cfa Franc (XOF) quickly and conveniently.
The highest historical price of Jambo was CFA650.69. There are currently 130,000,000 J in circulation, with a maximum supply of 1,000,000,000 J, which puts the fully diluted market capitalization at approximately CFA18,072,119,117.
The Jambo price in XOF is updated in real time. You can also see conversions from West African Cfa Franc to other popular cryptocurrencies, making it easy to exchange Jambo (J) and other digital currencies for West African Cfa Franc (XOF) quickly and conveniently.
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Based on the current rate, 1 J is valued at approximately 139.02 XOF. This means that acquiring 5 Jambo would amount to around 695.08 XOF. Alternatively, if you have CFA1 XOF, it would be equivalent to about 0.0071934 XOF, while CFA50 XOF would translate to approximately 0.35967 XOF. These figures provide an indication of the exchange rate between XOF and J, the exact amount may vary depending on market fluctuations.
In the last 7 days, the Jambo exchange rate has a decrease by 33.00%. Over the 24-hour period, this rate varied by 19.00%, with the highest exchange rate of 1 J for West African Cfa Franc being 189.18 XOF and the lowest value in the last 24 hours being 115.92 XOF.
In the last 7 days, the Jambo exchange rate has a decrease by 33.00%. Over the 24-hour period, this rate varied by 19.00%, with the highest exchange rate of 1 J for West African Cfa Franc being 189.18 XOF and the lowest value in the last 24 hours being 115.92 XOF.
Convert Jambo to West African Cfa Franc
J | XOF |
1 J | 139.02 XOF |
5 J | 695.08 XOF |
10 J | 1,390.16 XOF |
20 J | 2,780.33 XOF |
50 J | 6,950.82 XOF |
100 J | 13,901.63 XOF |
1,000 J | 139,016.3 XOF |
Convert West African Cfa Franc to Jambo
XOF | J |
1 XOF | 0.0071934 J |
5 XOF | 0.035967 J |
10 XOF | 0.071934 J |
20 XOF | 0.14387 J |
50 XOF | 0.35967 J |
100 XOF | 0.71934 J |
1,000 XOF | 7.1934 J |
See how to convert J to XOF in just 3 steps
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Today's J to XOF is CFA139.02.
The J to XOF exchange rate has changed by -19.00% in the past 24hrs.
Jambo has a current circulating supply of 130,000,000 J and a maximum supply of 1,000,000,000 J.
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Whether you’re buying, selling, or just curious about crypto, this calculator and converter can be your go-to tool for making informed decisions.
The all-time high price of J is CFA650.69. In comparison, today’s market price of J is CFA139.02.
To learn more about Jambo, check out this page. Learn about its history, latest news, as well as Jambo price performance and market information in real-time.
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The value of CFA1 in Jambo may vary throughout the day, depending on the latest exchange rate. To know the exact value and monitor the conversion of Jambo into West African Cfa Franc, check out the conversion tables on this page, where you’ll find information about the value of one West African Cfa Franc in Jambo, updated in real-time.
The price of 1 J in West African Cfa Franc changes constantly due to market volatility. To find out the most recent value of 1 Jambo in XOF, consult the conversion tables on this page. This will help you better understand how to convert Jambo into West African Cfa Franc and track changes in value.
Our J to XOF calculator makes converting J to XOF fast and easy. You just have to input an amount of J, and you'll instantly get the equivalent value in XOF. You can also refer to the conversion tables on this page for common conversions. For example, based on the current conversion rate, CFA5 is worth 0.035967 J, while 5 J is worth 695.08 in XOF.
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