Buy ANT in a few steps
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, and more popular cryptoHow to buy ANT (ANT)

What’s ANT (ANT)?
Aragon is a decentralized platform for creating and managing decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). A DAO is an organization with no central authority. Important decisions are put to a vote and made collectively by the members. In crypto and DeFi, most networks and protocols utilize DAOs for their governance. Aragon provides the framework needed to create and maintain them effectively.
The Aragon ecosystem consists of several tools and networks, including the Aragon Client, a dApp (decentralized application) for creating and managing DAOs; the Aragon Court, a system for resolving disputes with the aid of human “guardians”; the Aragon Network, a DAO made up of a network of decentralized organizations; and the Aragon Association, a non-profit that serves as the legal steward of the platform and manages the proceeds of the Aragon token sale.
The ANT (Aragon Network Token) token is used to govern the platform and can be used to create ANJ (Aragon Juror) tokens, which are used for dispute resolution in the Aragon Court. Aragon already has thousands of organizations built on its platform and is being used by major blockchain projects such as Curve and Decentraland.