Redeem/ remove pool token: Anyassets (e.g anyUSDC, anyUSDT, anyDAI, anyETH, anyFTM etc) into Native Token Tutorial

Published on 21 Jun 2022Updated on 26 Jun 20243 min read19

This Tutorial will help you Redeem/Remove any into Native Token

Normally, Multichain protocol prevents users from cross-chain when target chain liquidity is low. However, in some extreme events when the liquidity pools constantly fluctuate because of high volume cross-chain transactions.
Users might land at the target chain with Pool Token: Anyassets: e.g. anyUSDC, anyUSDT, anyDAI, anyETH, anyFTM. In this case, Any acts as a pool token so once there's enough liquidity in the target chain pool, you'll be able to withdraw, remove pool token into native token ( USDC, USDT, DAI, ETH, FTM).


Here's How to Remove Pool Token/Anyassets into native token:
(Take anyDAI as an example, other tokens such as: anyUSDT, anyUSDC, anyETH, anyFTM etc follow the same process)

1. Select Pool: Multichain Pool


At this stage, you might find all pools balance is 0. Please wait for 5 -10 seconds for our front-end to fetch statistics from on chain data.
Click Remove

2. Now, click on the Balance Icon at the top-right corner will automatically display your removable balance at From / To selection.


Underlying Liquidity/Dest Liquidity on same network : Showing how much liquidity is available on BSC, you can remove all pool balance allows or partial of it.

3. If you decide you don't want to wait for pool to rebalance, you can switch to any available chains and cross-chain instantly if <Dest Liquidity> allows

Follow this video guide to bridge back or get native USDC/USDT/ETH/DAI/FTM:

Disclaimer: This tutorial is intended for general guidance and information purposes only for beginners participating in cryptocurrencies and DeFi. The contents of this article are not to be construed as legal, business, investment, or tax advice. You should consult with your advisors for all legal, business, investment, and tax implications and advice. Multichain is not responsible for any lost funds. Please use your best judgment and practice due diligence before interacting with smart contracts.