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What is Not Pixel: Get to know all about PX

What is Not Pixel PX?

Not Pixel PX ($PX) is a groundbreaking utility token that fuels the Not Pixel platform, a decentralized marketplace for digital art and collectibles. But what is Not Pixel PX beyond its technical definition? It’s a bridge between traditional art collection and blockchain technology, creating a unique ecosystem where creativity meets innovation. The token is designed to reward users for their participation in the platform’s interactive and competitive environment, making it a standout in the cryptocurrency space.

Who Founded Not Pixel?

The origins of Not Pixel PX trace back to Sasha Plotvinov, the visionary behind the platform and also the founder of NotCoin. Sasha Plotvinov’s innovative approach to blending art, gaming, and blockchain technology has made Not Pixel trendin among digital art enthusiasts and crypto users alike. The platform’s unique win-to-earn model ensures that players earn PX tokens based on their skills and dedication, rather than their financial investment. This philosophy has been a key driver behind the success of the Not Pixel launch.

Not Pixel

Not Pixel is more than just a platform; it’s a community-driven multiplayer game hosted on Telegram. Players compete on a shared digital canvas, creating pixel art and completing tasks to earn PX tokens. The platform’s tournaments are particularly popular, as they reward players based on their creativity and effort rather than their spending power. This approach has made Not Pixel trendin in the gaming and crypto communities, attracting hundreds of thousands of users.

Not Pixel Asset Name

The official asset name of the token is Not Pixel PX ($PX). With a total supply of 250 million tokens, the distribution is carefully designed to prioritize community engagement. 80% of the tokens are allocated to the community and miners, while the remaining 20% is divided among the team (8%), marketing efforts (7%), and liquidity (5%). This structure ensures that the platform remains community-focused while having the resources needed for growth and development.


PX tokens are the lifeblood of the Not Pixel ecosystem. They serve multiple purposes, including:

  • Purchasing Exclusive Content: Users can buy unique digital art and collectibles using PX tokens.

  • Participating in Auctions: PX tokens enable users to bid on rare and valuable items within the platform.

  • Supporting Artists: Through crowdfunding campaigns, users can use PX tokens to back their favorite creators.

Additionally, PX tokens integrate seamlessly with NFTs, allowing artists to turn their pixel creations into tradeable digital assets. This adds another layer of value and ownership to the platform’s offerings.

Not Pixel Contract Address

The Not Pixel contract address is a critical component for users looking to interact with the PX token on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). While the exact contract address is not provided here, users can find it on the official Not Pixel website or through trusted blockchain explorers. For those interested in tracking the token’s market performance, visit Not Pixel price for real-time updates.


Not Pixel PX ($PX) is redefining the way digital art and blockchain technology intersect. From its innovative win-to-earn model to its seamless integration with NFTs, the platform offers a unique and rewarding experience for users. Founded by Sasha Plotvinov, Not Pixel has become trendin in the crypto and art communities, thanks to its focus on creativity, community, and fair rewards. Whether you’re an artist, gamer, or crypto enthusiast, Not Pixel PX provides an exciting opportunity to engage with the future of digital art.

For more information on PX tokens and their market performance, visit Not Pixel price.

This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice; AI was used to assist in content creation.

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