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Introducing the OKX House

Today we are launching a pilot version of a concept we are calling: "The OKX House". This new experience can be unlocked using your OKX wallet as a key to entering the house through our app or website. We are introducing this new experience for our community to connect with us in a NEW way, where web3 connects to more immersive interaction with key moments or artifacts such as exclusive "airdrops", "limited swag items" and more digital downloads.

Fifteen years ago crypto was born to a niche audience. Today, crypto trades billions on Wall Street and is featured in Super Bowl commercials with Hollywood celebrities. While crypto has made its way into the mainstream, the heartbeat of crypto still lies within communities. The BUIDLers, the developers and the degens. Their projects and protocols, from DAOs to DeFi; crypto communities create the onchain change of tomorrow. These communities thrive on creativity and connection, yet they work in a world where their contribution is performed almost exclusively online. Their onchain expression of identity is often detached from the offchain world.

To unite two worlds, we envisioned a shopping destination as an extension of the community's online identity, with all the onchain benefits for an offchain world. That vision is OKX House, an immersive onchain experience connecting onchain and offchain worlds. OKX House is an expression of identity, where who and what you own onchain, is brought to life offchain. OKX House is a destination where limited-edition fashion collections are backed by tradable NFTs. You can pay with your favorite token, and instant proof of ownership appears in your wallet. You can trade it, gift it, or wear it. Whichever you choose, it’s part of your story - on and offline. OKX House introduces an interactive virtual environment where the onchain community can explore and purchase exclusive merchandise, access NFT drops and discover the OKX Wallet ecosystem. The initial collection features OKX-branded apparel, including limited-edition hoodies and hats, each authenticated with an NFT that can be traded on NFT marketplaces - like OKX Marketplace - with zero fees. 'OKX House' reimagines the onchain ownership experience through:

  • Exclusive Collections: OKX branded and cobranded limited-edition collections with our partners Mclaren and Manchester City available only on Shop

  • Multi-chain support: Purchase merchandise across six networks (Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, XLayer and BNB Chain) using native tokens and stablecoins, with more chains (including Base supported soon)

  • NFT-backed ownership: Every physical item includes a unique, tradable NFT certificate

  • Global logistics: Worldwide shipping through DHL integration

  • Custom E-commerce tech: An end-to-end infrastructure that allows customers to access an onchain experience with the same look and feel of a shopping portal

  • Zero-fee trading: Secondary market NFT trading with zero fees

  • Exclusive collaborations: Additional branded rooms coming soon to 'OKX Shop' through collaborations with OKX's brand partners

Built for the Community

We believe crypto communities create the onchain change of tomorrow. OKX House was built to celebrate community contributions showcased in the real world with zero-fee trading and exclusive limited-edition drops. Because communities deserve more than just another merch store, each piece tells a story that lives both in the physical world and onchain. It's a deeper level of ownership and identity giving customers authentic branded items backed by true digital ownership that can be traded or gifted instantly. An alternative approach setting new standards for onchain shopping experiences. Upcoming brand collaborations will bring more exclusive collections that blend digital ownership with real-world utility, transforming how the onchain community interacts with brands.

Haider Rafique

Chief Marketing Officer, OKX

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Digitale Vermögenswerte, einschließlich Stablecoins, sind mit einem hohen Risiko verbunden und können stark schwanken. Sie sollten sorgfältig abwägen, ob der Handel oder das Halten digitaler Vermögenswerte angesichts Ihrer finanziellen Situation und Risikotoleranz für Sie geeignet ist. OKX gibt keine Anlage- oder Vermögensempfehlungen ab. Sie sind allein für Ihre Anlageentscheidungen verantwortlich, und OKX ist nicht für mögliche Verluste verantwortlich. Die Wertentwicklung in der Vergangenheit ist kein Indikator für zukünftige Ergebnisse. Bitte wenden Sie sich bei Fragen zu Ihrer persönlichen Situation an einen Rechts-/Steuer-/Anlageexperten. Die Funktionen von OKX Web3, einschließlich OKX Web3 Wallet und OKX NFT Marketplace, unterliegen separaten Nutzungsbedingungen unter www.okx.com.
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