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When will PI launch and be available for trading on OKX?

Pi Network's Mainnet launch is set to happen on 28 February 2025, while OKX will be listing Pi Network on their platform in mid February 2025. The mainnet's imminent launch will enable users to transfer and trade their PI onchain. In this quick guide, we'll walk through essential queries like Pi Network's official launch date, the various Pi Network phases and when the network is likely going live.

When will PI Launch?

Pi Network is currently in its testnet phase, focusing on refining the system, building solid foundations, and ensuring network security. As such, the exact date for the mainnet launch has not yet been announced since the team emphasizes the importance of a secure and fully functional network before proceeding. Users are therefore encouraged to stay updated through official Pi Network channels for the latest information.

When can I Sell PI?

Once the mainnet is live, PI is expected to be listed across various major centralized exchanges (CEXs). This has led to some crypto traders believing that OKX may be one of these CEXs involved. At that point, users who have been diligently mining PI will be able to transfer their tokens from the Pi Network app to their exchange wallets and engage in trading. Until then, PI remains confined within the Pi Network ecosystem and cannot be sold or exchanged for other crypto or fiat currencies.

How to prepare for trading PI on OKX

To get ready for the possible listing of PI on OKX, consider the following steps.

  1. Create an OKX account: Sign up on the OKX platform to be prepared for trading if PI becomes available.

  2. Complete verification: Ensure your account is verified according to OKX's KYC requirements to enable seamless transactions.

  3. Stay Informed: Follow official announcements from both Pi Network and OKX to receive timely updates about the mainnet launch and Pi Coin's listing status.

Precautions to take into consideration

Given the risks present when getting involved with tokens like PI that have yet to TGE or launch onchain, here are some precautions to take into account when it comes to rumors and news involving PI's listing or the Pi Network mainnet launch.

  • Beware of scams: Be cautious of any platforms or individuals claiming to sell or exchange PI before the official mainnet launch. Such offers are likely fraudulent and untrue.

  • Patience is key: The Pi Network team appears committed to delivering a secure and robust platform. Waiting for the official launch ensures that your PI can be traded safely instead o

  • Watch out for rumors: At times, rumors may come about regarding specific Pi Network phase release dates or PI Open Mainnet launches. As these aren't based on publicly communicated facts or announcements, users should exercise care and discernment before acting on such rumors.

Be the first to know when will Pi launch

All in all, while the anticipation for Pi Network's Open Mainnet launch and possible subsequent listing on exchanges like OKX is high, it's crucial to wait for official communications to ensure the security and legitimacy of your transactions. Meanwhile, users should continue to stay informed about Pi Network while it's still in its Enclosed Mainnet stage and learn as much about the project as possible before making impulsive decisions about their PI tokens.For more on getting involved in trading tokens which have yet to officially TGE, check out OKX Pre-Market Futures. Alternatively, you can also visit the PI token price page for everything you'll need to know about Pi Network.

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Tento článek/oznámení se poskytuje pouze k obecným informativním účelům a nepřijímá se žádná odpovědnost za v něm obsažené faktické chyby či opomenutí. Tento obsah se může týkat produktů, které nejsou ve vaší oblasti dostupné. Není zamýšlen jako investiční, daňové nebo právní poradenství a nelze jej považovat za nabídku nákupu, prodeje či držení digitálních aktiv nebo jakýchkoli souvisejících služeb.
Digitální aktiva, včetně stablecoinů, jsou spojena s vysokou mírou rizika a jejich hodnota může značně kolísat. Měli byste pečlivě zvážit, zda je pro vás obchodování s digitálními aktivy nebo jejich držení vhodné z hlediska vaší finanční situace a tolerance rizika. Společnost OKX neposkytuje doporučení k investicím ani aktivům. Za svá investiční rozhodnutí nesete výhradní odpovědnost jen vy a společnost OKX neodpovídá za žádné potenciální ztráty. Z výkonu v minulosti nelze vyvozovat výkon v budoucnu. Svou konkrétní situaci prosím konzultujte se svým právním/daňovým/investičním poradcem. Funkce OKX Web3, včetně služby OKX Web3 Peněženka a Tržiště OKX NFT, se řídí samostatnými podmínkami poskytování služeb na webu www.okx.com.
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