We are excited to announce today a first-of-its-kind partnership with Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) on a joint research project exploring the implementation of zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs and development of new cryptographic protocols. These advancements aim to enhance the scalability and efficiency of ZK decentralized exchanges (ZKDEXs).
This collaboration aligns with the Hong Kong government's recent emphasis on Web3. It also demonstrates our shared commitment with HKUST in accelerating the development of Web3 innovations and supporting the local Web3 ecosystem.
Led by Professor Dimitris Papadopoulos, HKUST's team has extensive technological knowledge and a remarkable track record across the fields of cryptography, ZK-proofs and artificial intelligence. Coupled with our Web3 team's substantial theoretical and practical experience in the blockchain and virtual asset space, this partnership is poised to convert cutting-edge blockchain technologies into practical commercial applications. With that said, this collaboration has the potential to significantly impact the development of the entire blockchain industry, both in Hong Kong and on a global scale.
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