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OKX and Manchester City’s Rúben Dias Debut ‘Train Like Dias’ Global Metaverse Training Experience

MANCHESTER, UK, 3 April, 2023 – OKX, the world’s second-largest crypto exchange by trading volume and a leading Web3 technology company, today debuted ‘Train Like Dias’ its first ‘OKX Collective’ immersive metaverse fan experience featuring OKX ambassador and Manchester City player Rúben Dias.

"Train like Días" empowers fans to follow some of Rúben Días' favourite training techniques and to benefit from his coaching and performance tips in the OKX Collective metaverse. Rúben Días has played for Manchester City since 2020 and the Portugal national team since 2018.

The OKX Collective is a unique virtual metaverse environment that allows fans to participate in Web3 first-hand and gain access to special content from Manchester City players Alex Greenwood, Ilkay Gündoğan, Jack Grealish and Rúben Dias.

Rúben Dias said: "The OKX Collective is a unique way to bring fan interactions to the next level. Through the metaverse, we can give fans across the globe a glimpse into how I prepare for matchday and maybe how they can improve their own game.”

Haider Rafique, Global Chief Marketing Officer at OKX, said: "The possibilities that Web3 can offer are vast and only limited by our own imaginations. The way "Train Like Días" brings Rúben and his fans closer together is another great example of what this technology allows. The OKX Collective is just getting started, and we can't wait to reveal what Alex Greenwood, Ilkay Gündoğan and Jack Grealish have in store for fans later this season."

Fans who visit the OKX Collective will be treated to special experiences designed around each player’s playing style and personal interests. In addition to exclusive training content, these will also include music and NFT-based digital experiences. Within the metaverse, fans can also enter competitions to win exciting prizes, including passes to team trainings, match tickets and much more.

To enter the OKX Collective metaverse, fans simply need to click this link okx-metaverse.com and create their personalised avatar.

OKX is the official training kit partner for Manchester City Football Club for the 2022/23 season.

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