Merlin Chain price


Merlin Chain price live data

The current price of Merlin Chain is $0.64490. Over the last 24 hours, Merlin Chain has increased by +9.05%. It currently has a circulating supply of 0 MERL and a maximum supply of 2,100,000,000 MERL, giving it a fully diluted market cap of $0.00. At present, Merlin Chain holds the 0 position in market cap rankings. The Merlin Chain/USD price is updated in real-time.

Merlin Chain price performance in USD

Time periodChange amount%Chg
Today$0.053500 +9.04%
7 days$0.17700 +37.82%
30 days$0.12360 +23.70%
3 months$0.24490 +61.22%

Merlin Chain market information

24h low/high
The highest, lowest, and last prices in 24 hours
24h low$0.58310
Last price $0.64490
24h high$0.67740
Heat index ranking
Market cap
Favorited rate
Percentage of users who favorited this asset to all users
All-time high
-63.77% (-$1.1351)
Apr 19, 2024 (2 months ago)
All-time low
+98.79% ($0.32050)
May 20, 2024 (1 week ago)
ICO date
ICO price
The price at which this crypto was first traded
Circulating supply
The amount of this crypto that is publicly available in the market
Market cap at circulating supply
Market cap = Circulating supply × Last price

About Merlin Chain (MERL)

Merlin Chain represents a Layer 2 network developed to extend the capabilities of Bitcoin by incorporating advanced technologies such as ZK-Rollup, decentralized oracle networks, Data Availability, and BTC fraud proof modules. This platform is dedicated to boosting Bitcoin’s utility and interaction by enhancing assets, protocols, and products originally established on Bitcoin’s Layer 1.

Merlin Chain uses zero-knowledge proofs to verify commitments on the Bitcoin blockchain, facilitating a mechanism where disputes are resolved securely and transparently. This approach not only strengthens the security but also increases the efficiency of the network, making it a reliable environment for its users.

The vision of Merlin Chain is to bridge the innovations of Bitcoin from Layer 1 to Layer 2. This encompasses backing a variety of Bitcoin Layer 1 assets, developing decentralized applications that embody the ’fully on-chain’ ethos of Bitcoin. Additionally, it focuses on a community-driven approach to asset launches and is working towards compatibility with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to broaden Bitcoin’s application scope.

Launched in February 2024, Merlin Chain has quickly established itself as a leading Layer 2 network with over $3.6 billion Total value locked (TVL) and a diverse range of DApps spanning DeFi, gaming, and social platforms. The network also introduces $MERL, a native token integral to governing and securing the ecosystem, marking a significant step in its evolution.

How does Merlin work?

Merlin Chain leverages advanced blockchain technologies, rooted in Polygon’s ZK technology, to enhance Bitcoin’s functionality and scalability. This Layer 2 solution integrates a decentralized oracle network for data availability, supported by Celestia, and utilizes Lumoz’s decentralized computing for zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) computations. Merlin’s architecture allows for the processing of transactions via ZK Rollups, offering benefits such as heightened security by inheriting Bitcoin’s robust consensus mechanism while improving scalability through batch processing on Layer 2. The system supports EVM-compatible smart contracts, enhancing interoperability with existing blockchain ecosystems.

Additionally, Merlin Chain optimizes transaction costs by employing ZK proofs and zkSNARKs to minimize data storage on Layer 1, leading to lower fees and higher throughput. The zkProver component within Merlin executes complex mathematical operations, ensuring all transactions are verified under stringent security standards before being confirmed on the network, promoting a secure, efficient, and economically scalable blockchain environment.

MERL Prices and Tokenomics

Merlin Chain’s native token is MERL, a BRC-20 token with a fixed supply of 2.1 billion units, underpinning the network’s transactional and governance activities. As a vital cog in the ecosystem, $MERL grants holders participatory power in crucial network decisions and development through a structured governance model.

Engagement in the Merlin ecosystem is multifaceted—holders can stake MERL to bolster the security layer or use the token for transactional purposes across the network. Moreover, MERL facilitates a delegated staking system, empowering token holders to contribute to the network’s operational efficiency. Within the ecosystem, MERL also serves as a key liquidity provider and a form of collateral, ensuring the seamless execution of transactions and supporting the network’s various financial mechanisms.

Token allocation for $MERL is meticulously planned. This involves a phased release strategy designed to maintain a steady flow into the market, fostering growth while managing inflation. The allocation caters to diverse ecosystem needs—from developmental funds to community incentives—encouraging long-term engagement and stability. By integrating these strategic tokenomics with user-centric features, Merlin Chain is geared toward fostering a sustainable and participatory blockchain environment.

Merlin Highlights

  • EVM Compatibility & Efficiency: Merlin Chain excels in providing low transaction fees and enhanced scalability, compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machines (EVMs) for fast and efficient transaction processing.
  • BTC Protocol Support: Supports a range of Bitcoin protocols including BRC20 and BRC420, along with innovative solutions like Bitmap, Atomicals, Pipe, and Stamp, broadening its reach across Bitcoin’s Layer 2.
  • ZK Rollup Implementation: Incorporates ZK-Rollup technology, advancing the efficiency and scalability of the network, with sequencer nodes orchestrating data transfer through decentralized Oracles to promote transparency and bolster security.
  • Layer 2 Native Innovations: Upholds a dedication to equitable launches and community-led developments, ensuring Merlin Chain is at the forefront of introducing native, user-focused solutions on Bitcoin’s Layer 2.
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