Connect to Mobile Wallet


Sui (or Sui Network) is the first Layer 1 blockchain designed from the ground up to enable creators and developers to build experiences that cater for the next billion users in Web3. Sui is horizontally scalable to support a wide range of DApp development with fast speeds and low costs. The platform brings users a general-purpose blockchain with high throughput, instant settlement speeds, rich on-chain assets, and user-friendly Web3 experiences. Sui is a step-function advancement in blockchain, designed from the bottom up to meet the needs of everyone involved in crypto.

Installation and Initialization#

Make sure to update the OKX App to version 6.90.1 or later to start accessing it:

To integrate OKX Connect into your DApp, you can use npm:

npm install @okxconnect/sui-provider

Before connecting the wallet, you need to create an object for subsequent wallet connections, transaction submissions, and other operations.

OKXUniversalProvider.init({metaData: {name, icon}})

*Request Parameters

  • metaData - object
    • name - string: The name of the application, will not be used as a unique representation.
    • icon - string: URL of the application icon, must be in PNG, ICO, etc. SVG icons are not supported. SVG icons are not supported. It is best to pass a url pointing to a 180x180px PNG icon.

Return Value

  • OKXUniversalProvider


import { OKXUniversalProvider } from "@okxconnect/universal-provider"
const okxUniversalProvider = OKXUniversalProvider.init({dappMetaData: {
        name: "application name",
        icon: "application icon url"

Connect to Wallet#

Connect the wallet to obtain the wallet address, which serves as an identifier and is necessary for signing transactions.

okxUniversalProvider.connect(connectParams: ConnectParams);

Request Parameters

  • connectParams - ConnectParams
    • namespaces - [namespace: string]: ConnectNamespace ; information necessary to request a connection, the key for Sui is “sui”. If any of the requested chains are not supported by the wallet, the wallet will reject the connection;
      • chains: string[]; information about the chain ids, the name of the chain, the name of the wallet, and the name of the wallet.
    • optionalNamespaces - [namespace: string]: ConnectNamespace; optional information of the requested connection, the key of EVM system is “eip155”, the key of Sui system is “sui”. If the corresponding chain information is not supported by the wallet, the connection can still be made;
      • chains: string[]; chain id information, if the corresponding chain is not supported by the wallet.
    • sessionConfig: object
      • redirect: string Jump parameter after successful connection, if it is a Mini App in Telegram, here you can set the deeplink:"th://resolve" in Telegram

Return Value

  • Promise <SessionTypes.Struct | undefined>
    • topic: string; The session identifier;
    • namespaces: Record<string, Namespace>; namespace information for a successful connection;
      • chains: string[]; Chain information for the connection;
      • accounts: string[]; accounts information for the connection;
      • methods: string[]; methods supported by the wallet under the current namespace;
      • rpcMap?: [chainId: string]: string; rpc info;
      • defaultChain?: string; default chain for the current session
    • sessionConfig?: SessionConfig
      • dappInfo: object DApp information;
        • name:string
        • icon:string
      • redirect?: string, the redirect parameter after successful connection;


var session = await okxUniversalProvider.connect({
    namespaces: {
        sui: {
            chains: ["sui:mainnet"]
    sessionConfig: {
        redirect: "tg://resolve"

Disconnect wallet#

Disconnect from a connected wallet and delete the current session. If you want to switch wallets, disconnect from the current wallet first.



Sending Signature and Transactions#

This method allows sending messages to the wallet, supporting signatures, transactions, and RPC requests.

First create an OKXSuiProvider object, passing OKXUniversalProvider into the constructor.

import { OKXSuiProvider } from "@okxconnect/sui-provider"
let suiProvider = new OKXSuiProvider(okxUniversalProvider)


suiProvider.signMessage(input: SuiSignMessageInput);

Request Parameters

  • SuiSignMessageInput - object
    • message: Uint8Array

Return Value

  • Promise - object
    • messageBytes: string
    • signature: string


suiProvider.signPersonalMessage(input: SuiSignMessageInput);

Request Parameters

  • SuiSignMessageInput - object
    • message: Uint8Array

Return Value

  • Promise - object
    • bytes: string
    • signature: string


const data = [76, 111, 103, 105, 110, 32, 119, 105, 116, 104, 32, 66, 108, 117, 101, 109, 111, 118, 101];
const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(data);
let input = {
    message: uint8Array
let signResult1 = await suiProvider.signMessage(input)
let signResult2 = await suiProvider.signPersonalMessage(input)

Sign Transaction


Request Parameters

// txBytes and txSerialize are the serialization of the transactionBlock.
// and transactionBlock can be passed in one way or the other, but not both.
interface SuiSignTransactionBlockInput {
    transactionBlock: TransactionBlock;
    chain: IdentifierString;
    txBytes: string?;
    txSerialize: string?

Return Value

  • Promise - object
    • signature: string,
    • transactionBlockBytes: string

Signs a transaction and broadcasts onchain


Request Parameters

// txBytes and txSerialize are the serialization of the transactionBlock.
// and transactionBlock can be passed in one way or the other, but not both.
interface SuiSignTransactionBlockInput {
    transactionBlock: TransactionBlock;
    chain: IdentifierString;
    txBytes: string?;
    txSerialize: string?;

Return Value

  • Promise - object
    • confirmedLocalExecution: bool,
    • digest: string,
    • txBytes: string


// Define the amount to be transferred and the destination address
const amount = 109; // Amount to be transferred
const recipientAddress = '0x'; // destination address

/// Construct a transfer transaction
const tx = new Transaction();
const [coin] = tx.splitCoins(tx.gas, [amount]);
tx.transferObjects([coin], recipientAddress)
const input = {
    transactionBlock: tx,
    chain: 'sui:mainnet',
    options: {
        showEffects: true,

let signResult1 = await suiProvider.signTransaction(input)
let signResult2 = await suiProvider.signAndExecuteTransaction(input)