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Ownership structure FAQ

Опубліковано 10 жовт. 2024 р.Оновлено 10 жовт. 2024 р.2 хв читання

Why does OKX need to know my entity’s ownership structure?

To comply with regulations in the jurisdictions where we operate, we're required to collect information about your entity’s ownership structure as part of our business identity verification obligations.

What constitutes an ownership structure?

To meet our request for your entity’s ownership structure, we need a document that identifies all individuals and/or intermediary entities with an ownership stake in your entity, including their ownership percentages.

What types of documents are acceptable to verify my entity’s ownership structure?

The documents should clearly outline the ownership structure, providing the full names and ownership percentages of each stakeholder. You may refer to the organizational chart below for an example of how to identify Ultimate Beneficial Owners through intermediary entities.


Find out how you can start verifying your institutional verification here.