Light-Painted Places

Light-Painted Places

**Light-Painted Places** Collection. Pictures of different places, drawn with light. Photographs in which composition, color, lights and shadows play an important role in conveying the perception, emotions and my sensations when I saw these scenes. The collection starts with an original photograph and continue with a 2nd edition of 10 hand-signed photographs, followed by a 3rd edition for each photograph, minted using an ERC721 smart contract on the Polygon ZkEVM blockchain. The Token ID of each NFT contains information about the edition and the photograph that certifies this NFT. Example: Token ID 2210 informs us that this is copy **2** of the Ancient Sunset 2nd Edition. Some NFTs TokenID ends on **1** or maybe **2**. This means that the NFT has been reminted due to an error in the first mint. The erroneous NFT has been sent to the burn address (0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD) previously.
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World Colors Collections Logo #1000000 background
World Colors Collections Logo #1000000
World Colors Collections Logo #1000000

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Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #101010 background
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #101010
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #101010

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Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10910 background
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10910
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10910

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Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10810 background
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10810
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10810

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Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10710 background
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10710
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10710

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Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10610 background
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10610
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10610

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Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10510 background
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10510
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10510

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Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10410 background
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10410
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10410

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Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10310 background
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10310
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10310

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Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10210 background
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10210
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10210

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Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10110 background
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10110
Toward the sunset's conquest 2nd Edition #10110

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Toward the sunset's conquest #10 background
Toward the sunset's conquest #10
Toward the sunset's conquest #10

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Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #91010 background
Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #91010
Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #91010

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Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #9910 background
Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #9910
Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #9910

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Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #9810 background
Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #9810
Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #9810

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Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #9710 background
Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #9710
Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #9710

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Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #9610 background
Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #9610
Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #9610

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Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #9510 background
Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #9510
Slow Down to Meditate 2nd Edition #9510

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Вопросы и ответы
Как купить NFT из этой коллекции?
Можно совершать прямые покупки на маркетплейсе OKX, который объединяет ордера NFT с таких платформ, как OpenSea, Blur, MagicEden и других.
Какова недавняя активность этой коллекции?
За последние 24 часа для Light-Painted Places не было совершено ни одной транзакции. Для этой коллекции нет активных размещенных ордеров.
Сколько кошельков держат NFT из этой коллекции?
У Light-Painted Places есть в общей сложности 113 NFT, и они хранятся на 4 разных кошельках.
Какая сумма необходима для совершения покупки?
Поскольку в этой коллекции нет активных размещенных ордеров, прямые покупки невозможны. Однако можно делать предложения по интересующим вас NFT.