Vortex of Shadows

Vortex of Shadows

Vortex of Shadows is your gateway to a world beyond the visible. This collection transcends the boundaries of time and space, drawing inspiration from ancient legends, deep universes and lost souls. Each figure carries a fascinating power and mystery; It attracts people as if it comes from a world where darkness and light dance. These works It invites the viewer to his own inner journey by presenting the appearances of creatures that embody both cosmic and supernatural energy. Each NFT is a portal – inviting you to the limits of your own imagination, into unknown worlds, and to confront your deepest fears. Rare pieces of the collection, By combining art and mystical universes, it offers its owners not just a work but a soulmate. Are you ready to connect with these spirits that glow in the dark and create the most special pieces of your collection? Join the mysterious world of Vortex of Shadows; Discover the power of your imagination and collection!
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Poți să faci achiziții directe pe Marketplace-ul OKX, care consolidează ordine NFT de pe platforme precum OpenSea, Blur, MagicEden și multe altele.
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Vortex of Shadows are în total 3.671 NFT-uri, care deținute de 386 portofele diferite.
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