Black & White Moment

Black & White Moment

**Black & White Moment** Collection, where the protagonists are the composition and the contrast to transport the viewer to that very instant. The collection starts with an original B&W photograph and continue with a 2nd edition of 10 hand-signed photographs, followed by a 3rd edition for each photograph, minted using an ERC721 smart contract on the Polygon ZkEVM blockchain. The Token ID of each NFT contains information about the edition and the photograph that certifies this NFT. Example: Token ID 2210 informs us that this is copy **2** of the SOS (B&W) 2nd Edition. Some NFTs TokenID ends on **1** or maybe **2**. This means that the NFT has been reminted due to an error in the first mint. The erroneous NFT has been sent to the burn address (0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD) previously.
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0 %
2,22 %
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0 %
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Poți să faci achiziții directe pe Marketplace-ul OKX, care consolidează ordine NFT de pe platforme precum OpenSea, Blur, MagicEden și multe altele.
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Black & White Moment are în total 45 NFT-uri, care deținute de 1 portofele diferite.
Deoarece nu există ordine cu listare activă pentru această colecție, nu sunt posibile achizițiile directe. Cu toate acestea, puteți face oferte pentru NFT-urile care vă interesează.