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What is OKB? The utility token of OKX

Have you heard of OKB? Just as Bitget has BGB and Kucoin has KSC, OKB is the utility token for OKX. OKB launched in 2018, and the total supply of OKB is 300 million. Notably, the OKB circulating supply is periodically reduced when OKB is burned.

What is OKB?

Launched in March 2018, OKB is the native utility token of the OKX exchange.

The main utility for OKB is the discounts on the trading fees charged by the OKX exchange. Regular traders on OKX may prefer to hold OKB tokens, because doing so gives them up to a 40% discount on eligible purchases, depending on their trading volume.

By holding OKB, you also gain exposure to high-quality crypto projects through the OKX Jumpstart launchpad initiative. Additionally, we offer staking rewards on OKB tokens through OKX Earn.

Projects and protocols OKB works with

We work with several projects and protocols across financial and utility services with our OKB holders in mind. For example, you can save on fees with CryptoHopper or manage your virtual game assets on Enjin with OKB.

Financial services

Bitpie: Store OKB in a mobile wallet

Blocto: Store OKB in a mobile wallet

BuyUCoin: Store OKB in an online wallet

Cobo: Store OKB in a mobile wallet

Coinomi: Store, transfer, and exchange OKB

Coinrule: Earn OKB and enjoy automated trading

Cointopay: Store and trade OKB on the crypto platform

Constant: Lend and borrow OKB in Vietnam

CoolWallet S: Store OKB in a hardware wallet

Cryptohopper: Enjoy fee discounts on automated trading and earn OKB

Dapp Pocket: Store OKB in a mobile wallet

Ellipal: Store OKB in a hardware wallet

Guarda: Store OKB in a cross-platform wallet

Haasonline: Enjoy fee discounts on automated trading and earn OKB

Hyperpay: Store OKB in a cross-platform wallet

Kamoney: Store and trade OKB on the South American crypto platform

Ledger: Safely store OKB in famous hardware wallets

LinkEye: Lend and borrow OKB

Math: Store OKB in a mobile wallet

Mudrex: Enjoy fee discounts on automated trading and earn OKB

Nerve: Store OKB in an online wallet

Trustee: Store and exchange OKB in a mobile wallet

ZelCore: Store OKB in a mobile wallet

Utility services

Aeron: Buy aviation services and solutions with OKB

AIchemy: Shop in various stores with OKB

BetProtocol: Bet on games and sports with OKB

BitKan: Create content and pay for it with OKB

BitTorrent: Subscribe for an ad-free high-speed service with OKB

BiYong: Use OKB on blockchain social networks

Coinify: Provide OKB payment interfaces at physical stores

Enjin: Use and manage virtual game assets with OKB

Linka: Shop in offline stores with OKB

LITEX: Top-up mobile phones and fuel cards with OKB

Machi X: Buy digital art copyrights with OKB

Mercuryo: Exchange OKB for EUR, USD, and RUB

MixMarvel: Use OKB to get benefits in the blockchain game HiCats

MyWish: Create smart contracts without coding, paying in OKB

NOWPayments: Make fast payments online with OKB

The final word

OKB, which functions as a utility token, empowers holders to use our services and participate in different projects and protocols. OKB can be traded like any other cryptocurrency, however, it's essential to remember that its value changes according to market demand.

As an OKB holder, you have the opportunity to receive up to a 40% discount on fees on our CEX platform, earn up to 5% on OKX Simply Earn, and join Jumpstart for exclusive access to cryptocurrency projects.


What's the total supply of $OKB?

The total supply is 300 million.

How can I stake OKB tokens?

With OKX Earn, we offer flexible options where you can earn up to 5% on your OKB tokens. You can also take a look at our financial partnership list, where you'll find opportunities to stake OKB.

Where can I find more information about OKB?

For the latest news and up-to-date information, please visit our OKB page.

Aviso legal
Este conteúdo é fornecido apenas para fins informativos e pode abordar produtos não disponíveis em sua região. O conteúdo não se destina a fornecer (i) consultoria de investimento ou recomendação de investimento; (ii) uma oferta ou solicitação para comprar, vender ou manter ativos digitais, ou (iii) consultoria financeira, contábil, jurídica ou fiscal. Os holdings de ativos digitais, incluindo stablecoins e NFTs, envolvem um alto grau de risco e podem flutuar muito. Você deve considerar cuidadosamente se negociar ou manter ativos digitais é adequado para você, tendo em conta sua condição financeira. Consulte um profissional jurídico/fiscal/de investimentos para tirar dúvidas sobre suas circunstâncias específicas. As informações (incluindo dados de mercado e informações estatísticas, se houver) que aparecem nesta postagem são apenas para informação geral. Embora todo o cuidado razoável tenha sido tomado na preparação destes dados e gráficos, nenhuma responsabilidade ou obrigação será assumida por quaisquer erros de fatos ou omissões aqui expressos. Tanto a OKX Web3 Wallet quanto a OKX NFT Marketplace estão sujeitas a termos de serviço específicos disponíveis em
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