We've Led an Investment in UXLink, A Web3 Social Platform and Infrastructure Provider

Today, we're proud to announce that our investment arm, OKX Ventures, is leading the latest investment round in UXLINK, a Web3 social platform. UXLINK combines a Web3 gateway, a social DEX and infrastructure with the goal of facilitating mass adoption.

UXLINK is the first SocialFi application that effectively connects the trust users have in real-world relationships with decentralized applications, using Web3 "UXGroups" on Telegram. As the first trust-focused platform in the Web3 space, UXLINK is playing a key role in the transition from Web2 to Web3, fostering unity, and empowering the creation of social assets and social trading.

So far, UXLINK has successfully onboarded 3.5 million registered users. In addition to our investment arm, OKX Ventures, the platform has also secured investments from high-profile venture capital firms such as ZhenFund, HongShan and MatrixPort Ventures.

Our OKX Ventures Founder Dora Yue said: “UXLINK is a game-changer in the Web3 social infrastructure space; the project has rapidly developed through its 'acquaintance social' and 'group' model. In just 10 months since its launch, it has attracted millions of users, highlighting the fast growth and effective spread of this model. Recently, the platform’s 'Link to Earn' feature has drawn in most new users. This innovative concept merges social networking and transactions, creating a robust ecosystem where people can fully leverage their digital assets. We believe UXLINK will effectively bridge the vast user base of Web2 with the Web3 world.”

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