How do I check my deposit progress?

Gepubliceerd op 13 aug 2023Geüpdatet op 26 mrt 20252 min. leestijd6.468

On the app

Getting Started

You can find your deposit progress in 2 sections:

  1. Open your OKX app, select Deposit, and select Transaction to view the recent 10 transactions

    CT-app-deposit-view deposit transaction

    Select Transaction on the deposit page

  2. Open your OKX app, go to Asset and you can find your deposit progress

    CT-app-deposit-opening asset

    Opening Asset page

  3. Select the deposit transaction that you want to check the progress. You will see the deposit amount, deposit status, and deposit time on the details page

  4. Select View on blockchain explorer to check the real-time progress

    CT-App-deposit progress details

    Select View on blockchain explorer to view the real-time progress

On the web

  1. Log in to your account at and go to Assets and select Deposit

  2. Find your deposit at All deposits and you're able to view the deposit amount, deposit status, deposit progress, and deposit time

  3. You can select View at Deposit address to check the real-time progress

    CT-web-deposit progress

    Find your deposit and select View to check the real-time progress