How to cancel the P2P trading order?
Ever wondered if you could cancel a P2P trading order? This feature guides you on how to cancel an order on the P2P marketplace. Follow these easy steps on OKX web and app.
Select Cancel on the order page.
Select your order cancellation reason, and pick Submit. You can cancel the order due to buyer or seller reasons.
If you cancel your order due to the seller, you may need to wait for them to confirm the cancellation reason.
The order is now canceled.
Do not cancel the order if you have already paid the seller.
If the order is canceled due to system timeout, the buyer's completion rate will be affected.
If the buyer has reached out to the seller via chat and they don't reply within 15 minutes, the buyer can cancel the order without their completion rate being affected.
You can only cancel up to 3 orders daily. Otherwise, your account will be suspended, and you cannot place any more orders on that day.