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How do I check my deposit status? (OKX lite)

تم النشر في ‏13 أغسطس 2023تم التحديث في ‏3 يوليو 20242 دقيقة قراءة‏‎55‏

Option 1:

You'll receive an in-app notification once your transaction has been successfully completed on the sending platform.

Option 2:

  1. Open your OKX App Lite mode and select Market

    Option 1: Select the transfer on the homepage

    Opening Market page on OKX App Lite mode

  2. Find the crypto you're depositing and select View transactions

  3. On the transactions page, you can view all your transaction status, select Type: Receive to view your deposit status

    • Completed: the deposit has reached the required number of confirmations on the blockchain.

    • In progress: the deposit is still on-going, and you can also view the real-time updates on the required number of confirmations on the blockchain in the transaction details.

If it's taking longer than usual to receive your cryptocurrency, you can start the trouble shooting steps here.